Passau Tourism Passau Tourism

Youth Hostel | "Haus der Jugend" | Spectrum Kirche

Youth Hostel Passau

Prices 2025

Schools / groups incl. breakfast: from 31,90 € per person

Family room incl. breakfast: from 99,- € per room

Half-board: plus 10,50 € per person

Discount for children under 6 years during familiy vacation

You need to be a member of the Youth Hostel Association

Bus line 1, 2, 4: ZOB - Ilzbrücke
Bus shuttle town hall square - fortress Oberhaus (Mar. 15 - Nov. 15)

Operator: DJH Landesverband Bayern e.V.


KulturIJugendherberge Passau

Oberhaus 125
94034 Passau
Adresse in Google Maps anzeigen
Telefon: +49(0)851 493780

"Haus der Jugend"

Prices 2025

Bed & breakfast: from 30,50,- € per person

Half-board: from 40,50 € per person

Children up to 3 years free of charge

Bookable for groups till 112 persons, minimum occupancy: 12 persons

Bus line 1, 2, 4: ZOB - Ilzbrücke
Bus shuttle town hall square - fortress Oberhaus (Mar. 15 - Nov. 15)

Operator: Geschäftsstelle Jugendhäuser - Diözese Passau

Haus der Jugend Passau

Oberhaus 5
94034 Passau
Adresse in Google Maps anzeigen
Telefon: +49(0)851 493357-0

Spectrum Kirche – retreat and educational center on Mariahilf

Ideal place for your time out, conference, reflection or much more. Rooms with a personal and homely atmosphere (no TV) and private bathroom.

Perfect starting point for activities in the city and its surroundings, just 15 minutes' walk from the old town, on a hill above Passau, not far from the pilgrimage site of Mariahilf with a wonderful view over the city.

Come over – we look forward to you!

Prices 2025

Single room

Bed & breakfast 78,- € per person

Twin room

Bed & breakfast 57,- € per person

Bookable with half-board, full-board or conference flat-rate

Operator: Diözese Passau KdöR Spectrum Kirche

Spectrum Kirche

Schärdinger Str. 6
94032 Passau
Adresse in Google Maps anzeigen
Telefon: +49(0)851 93144-0


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